Link of the Week - John Percival’s review of Maguy Marin’s Umwelt
Image © Dance View Times.
Back in 2005, Compagnie Maguy Marin brought Marin’s Umwelt to London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall, receiving a mix of reviews. But, none was harsher or more distinctive than John Percival’s one-word summation for Dance View Times: “Merde!” For what it’s worth, you can see the complete review in the header image or view it in situ here.
It may sound preposterous to issue a review like this, but Percival was actually the consummate professional who throughout his life saw more dance than most, both in the UK and Europe, and wrote for The Times for over 30 years. You can read more about him in these pieces by Jane Simpson and Ismene Brown.
Not only was Percival a serious heavy-hitter, but it was also a time (the later part of the 20th century) when European work like Marin’s, was occasionally referred to as “Eurotrash”. It’s a term not commonly used now, when the diversity of dance and physical theatre is more generally celebrated and taken seriously, rather than being absolutely bisected into acceptable and worthless etc. That said, I think we all have nights when “Merde” does come readily to mind!
And what of Umwelt? Here are some other contemporary reviews that reflect a range of opinions — though, sadly, some are behind paywalls:
“No dance performance has left me more profoundly unsettled.” Sanjoy Roy, Guardian (and also)
“The banalities of everyday living are exhaustively played out in Maguy Marin’s Umwelt, a Dance Umbrella provocation that could pass for a Tate Modern installation” Jann Parry, Observer
“Umwelt (German for “environment”) has got to be one of the most distinctive performances in this year’s Dance Umbrella. It could also be one of the most maddening.” Donald Hutera, The Times
“… the reflections “Umwelt” offers do not comfort or charm. (Audience attrition at the Joyce was considerable.) Nor do they build to any “aha!” epiphanies or satisfying conclusions. They only roll on, like a tape somebody forgot to turn off.” Claudia La Rocco (in 2008), NY Times
Compagnie Maguy Marin’s webpage on Umwelt
For the long term, here is a link to the Percival Umwelt review as indexed by the Internet Archive WayBack Machine
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