Birmingham Royal Ballet, Sleeping Beauty in Birmingham - Review

★★★★✰   Bruce Marriott in Birmingham for what turned out to be a slice of classical perfection... [25 Feb 24]

Royal Ballet, New Works by Gemma Bond, Joshua Junker, Mthuthuzeli November and Jessica Lang - Review

★★★★✰   It's a very rare event when the Royal Ballet puts on a bill with 4 new works on the main stage - so rare I can't recall when such an event last happened... And I have to say from the off it turned out rather well... [17 Feb 24]

Place Resolution 2024, Jiwon Oh, TwoFold Dance Theatre and Silver-Tongue Studios - Review

★★★★✰   My third and last Resolution bill and it proved the most satisfying of them all. [08 Feb 24]

Place Resolution 2024, Elly Trent/ Olia Poliakova/ Callum Murray, Ella Swannell Amalfitano and Terry Smith - Review

★★★✰✰   A mixed night of bold, unforgiving, experiment at The Place's Resolution 2024 festival... [03 Feb 24]

Place Resolution 2024, Seirian Griffiths/Aurora Casatori, Hannah Waters and Aishwarya Raut - Review

★★★✰✰   My first review at Resolution 2024 and it proved a night of thoughtful dance creation. [28 Jan 24]